
Soybeans Back to Higher Trade on Monday

Soybeans are trading with 5 to 10 cent gains in the nearby contracts on Monday. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price is up 9 ¾ cents at $9.22. Soymeal futures are back up $3.10/ton on the day. Soy Oil contracts are up 38 points the session.

USDA reported private export sales of 116,000 MT of soybeans to unknown destinations this morning, and also a total of 264,000 MT of soybeans to unknown during the reporting period.

Weekly Export Inspections data showed 2.43 MMT (89.42 mbu) of soybeans shipped in the week that ended on October 17. That was down 7.4% from last year, but up 27.6% from the previous week. Of that total 1.687 MMT was headed to China, as 159,130 MT was on its way to Mexico and 122,783 MT to Egypt. Marketing year shipments have totaled 7.896 MMT (290.14 mbu), which is down 2.9% from the same week last year.

Friday afternoon’s Commitment of Traders report indicated spec traders in soybean futures and options adding back 18,543 contracts to their net short as of 10/15 to 40,341 contracts,

The soybean crop in Brazil was estimated at 18% planted as of last Thursday according to AgRural, that compares to the 30% pace from last year.

Nov 24 Soybeans  are at $9.80, up 10 cents,

Nearby Cash  is at $9.22, up 9 3/4 cents,

Jan 25 Soybeans  are at $9.90, up 7 1/4 cents,

May 25 Soybeans  are at $10.16, up 5 cents,
