Resicore Rev offers several advantages over Resicore, an industry stalwart…
Corteva Agriscience launched Resicore many years ago under a tent on a rainy day at a test plot location near Sheridan, Ind. Times have changed. Recently, Corteva launched Resicore Rev, touted to be the next step forward in the evolution of corn weed control, through a virtual press event for ag media.
The products have changed, too. Eric Scherder, U.S. crop protection launch leader for Corteva, made it clear that Resicore Rev is not your dad’s weed control product. His explanation challenges the idea that a herbicide must have novel active ingredients to represent something new in the market.
Scherder’s contention is that the technological changes included in the Resicore Rev formulation will make it seem like a new product to ag retailers and farmers. Even so, it still provides reliable control of over 75 key weeds, including waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, which growers have come to expect from Resicore.
Resicore Rev is already registered by U.S. EPA, and is in limited launch this season, available only in limited quantities. Look for a full launch in 2025. Corteva spokespersons note that Resicore will still be available for at least the next couple of seasons, during the rollout of Resicore Rev.
Resicore Rev: Look ‘beneath the hood’
Corteva marketing gurus compare Resicore Rev to a souped-up, turbo-charged version of Resicore. If you look “beneath the hood,” here is what you will find: Resicore Rev contains the same three active ingredients as Resicore — acetochlor, a Group 15 herbicide, plus a safener; mesotrione, Group 27; and clopyralid, Group 4.
Here are where the differences begin. “Resicore Rev utilizes what the industry calls a ZC formulation,” Scherder explains. “In this product, acetochlor and the safener are encapsulated together. That means less risk of crop injury and also means longer residual weed control.
“One big improvement is supercharged tank-mix compatibility. It is compatible with many partners, including UAN and ammonium thiosulfate, known as ATS. With more need to apply sulfur for corn today, that is a big deal. It can also be applied with atrazine and glyphosate.”
Scherder adds that farmers will note easier and more complete mixing, especially compared to some other competitive products. Resicore Rev works with traited or conventional corn, and on both conventional tillage and no-till acres. “Flexibility is the key with this new formulation,” he says. “It provides strong weed control from the start to the finish.”